ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.
We are looking for a post-doctoral level scientist to help build an “Innovation Lab” at the Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Institute of the University of Cambridge. Biological research, and cancer research in particular, can benefit hugely from the development of new tools and methods built upon the shared land among different disciplines (optics, chemistry, molecular biology, engineering). The Innovation Lab will be a multidisciplinary group, jointly overseen by the Institute’s principal investigators, where novel technologies and applications and pioneered and developed prior to being used for the institute research objectives.
The successful candidate will take part in a project aimed at the development of novel tools to build molecularly annotated 3D maps of tumours, in collaboration with the laboratories of Prof. Gregory Hannon, Prof. Simon Tavare, and Prof. Shankar Balasubramanian. The candidate will contribute to develop a molecular barcoding method to follow tumour evolution, and develop protocols to use a cutting-edge serial blockface microscope to reconstruct whole-organ tridimensional models of tumors. We are looking for an individual with a strong background in both microscopy and molecular biology, although individuals with a particularly good background in either field and the willingness to explore the other will be considered. The ideal candidate should be able to understand and improve both the design of the instrument and the sample preparation protocols. He/She should be able to collaborate with other molecular biologists to develop a molecular barcoding scheme and analyse the resulting data. Skills in bioinformatics and/or image analysis and programming are a plus, as well as previous experience in technique development. The successful candidate will be expected to take and original approach to problems and provide innovative solutions breaching different disciplines. We seek an individual with excellent communication skills, show initiative and independent thinking, and have the ability to work effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
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