About the ELMI

ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.

ICGEB Practical Course on Fluorescence Microscopy 2-4 May 2016 in Trieste, Italy.



ABOUT FluoMicro@ICGEB (http://www.icgeb.trieste.it/meetings-2016.html)

Imaging technologies are widespread in the life science laboratories today. Many biological questions may be addressed applying fluorescence microscopy and live imaging technologies. Advances in the available instruments and technologies are continuously evolving. FluoMicro@ICGEB will examine some of the cutting-edge technologies available today, through real-world examples provided by our panel of experts. Strong ties of the ICGEB Fluorescence Microscopy Core Facility [http://www.icgeb.org/fluorescence-microscopy.html] and with our co-sponsor Nikon will allow the setup of four imaging/analysis stations: confocal imaging, spinning disk imaging, time-lapse microscopy, image processing and quantitative analysis. FluoMicro@ICGEB aims at instructing researchers in the use of fluorescence microscopy in life science applications. To this end morning theoretical sessions will provide the necessary background and afternoon practical sessions will permit hands-on experience on state-of-the-art instruments. Participants will be divided in small groups who will rotate between the four stations, two for each afternoon. It is expected that the participants at the end of the Course will be capable of applying fluorescence microscopy and live cell imaging to their experimental needs. A Certificate of Attendance will be provided to the participants. Participation of researchers from developing countries is encouraged through ICGEB.



2-4 MAY 2016

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Padriciano, 99

34149 Trieste, ITALY



– Nikon Instruments (http://www.nikoninstruments.com) – Major Sponsor

– Andor (http://www.andor.com/)

– Okolab (http://www.oko-lab.com))



Cutting-edge technology: High-throughput imaging (Gianluca Pegoraro, NCI, NIH, US) Cutting-edge technology: super-resolution (TBA) Cutting-edge technology: imaging cell migration (Paolo Maiuri, IFOM, Italy) Cutting-edge technology: optogenetics (Mathieu Coppey, Institut Curie, France) Cutting-edge technology: visualization of viral infections (Alessandro Marcello, ICGEB, Italy)