About the ELMI

ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.

Postdoc Nonlinear Optics, Nanomaterial and Amyloids, Wroclaw University, Poland

Project title:

Nonlinear Optics, Nanoparticles and Amyloids (NONA) – application of nonlinear optics and gold nanoparticles to study amyloid formation

Project is carried out within the First Team programme of the Foundation for Polish Science

Project description:

The presented project will address the issue of the amyloid formation and search for new techniques and materials applicable in the imaging and control of the protein aggregation. Within this project we are going to apply gold nanoparticles as markers for near-infrared fs laser imaging and studies on the formation and morphology of amyloids. We will establish how one can use these tools to image the amyloid organization, as well as to interfere with protein aggregates formation and control the transformation of amyloids into non-toxic species. Moreover, we will explore nonlinear optical properties of amyloids as a potential source of enhanced selectivity of optical imaging of amyloids. Finally, we will investigate liquid crystalline properties of amyloids and self-organization in amyloids – nanoparticles systems.

Application deadline 10.06.2018

For additional information please check the job offer.