ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.
Dear all,
GermanBioImaging (GerBI-GMB, Society for Microscopy and Image Analysis) has improved and updated the “Recommendations for operating Imaging Core Facilities in a research environment during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic”.
This document is now finalized and endorsed by DGE, German Society for Electron Microscopy; DGZ, German Society for Cell Biology; and DGfZ, German Society for Cytometry). You can get more information at
www.gerbi-gmb.de/Corona or directly download the PDF version of the recommendations here:
In parallel I have asked the big four microscope companies (Nikon, Leica, Olympus and Zeiss) for “Cleaning of microscopes in Corona times and compatibility of cleaning procedures and fluids with microscope parts”.
There was fast response from all of them, that they are or will work on it. Now there is already a Leica webpage:
and I made an optimized PDF extract from the website. This PDF is available on the MIAP webpage https://miap.eu here:
and on the GermanBioImaging webpage its coming soon, too.
I will keep you informed, when we have similar information from the other companies.
These information should help us when reopening core facilities or to continue working in a saver environment.
Best regards