About the ELMI

ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.

Postdocs/Engineers in Deep Learning, University of Bordeaux+National University of Singapore+CNRS@CREATE

Looking for Postdocs/Engineers in Deep Learning

The Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience (IINS, University of Bordeaux), the Mechanobiology Institute (MBI, National University of Singapore) and CNRS@CREATE are recruiting 3 engineers/post-docs in the field of deep learning for a joint collaborative project of large-scale image processing and analysis.

Job description
The candidates will contribute to the development of an integrated acquisition, processing and analysis platform involving novel high- and super-resolution live microscopy. They will work in an interdisciplinary environment, in close collaboration with biologists, physicists and computer scientists. They will have to design deep learning-based computational workflows in order to perform meaningful predictive analysis on two different biological models: 3D cell culture and synaptic proteins models, acquired respectively with HCS-soSPIM [1, 2] and correlative super-resolution microscopy [3] techniques. In particular, they will implement existing AI-based methods in order to enhance and segment microscopy data (eg. [7 – 11]), and develop predictive analysis models from a large collection of quantitative multimodal data computed using recently developed pixel- and point-cloud-based approaches [4-6].

24 to 36 months.

The candidates must:

For additional information please check the job offer.