ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.
(100 %, pay grade 14 TVöD)
German BioImaging – Society for Microscopy and Image Analysis e.V. (GerBI) is a scientific society representing the interests of researchers and professionals as well as core facilities in Germany involved in microscopy and image data analysis for the life sciences. The society fosters knowledge exchange within the community, and interaction between scientists and engineers both from academia and industry. Additionally, GerBI-GMB promotes communication with the public about imaging in the life sciences.
For the position of the project manager, we are looking for a proactive and motivated individual who is committed to the goals of the society and will lead its projects to success. The position is initially limited to 12 months as a maternity replacement. The salary corresponds to the remuneration group TVÖD E14.
Your tasks:
For additional information please check the job offer.
Closing date 30 June 2023