ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.
Please help us improving the ELMI Core Facility session by answering the
ELMI CF Session 2023 feedback survey.
GDrive for the CF day @ ELMI 2023
08:00 Registration & coffee
09:00 Welcome
09:15 Session 1: Cyber security, facility equipment maintenance and tools
Organizers: G. Krens, R. Nitschke and S. Terjung
10:30 Coffee & tea break, sponsored by 3i – Intelligent Imaging Innovations
11:00 Session 2: Staff development & training
Organizers: N. Halidi, M.T. Carvalho, T. Zimmermann, M. Mertz
12:15 Lunch, sponsored by Chroma Technology
13:30 Session 3: Data Management: User experience & Research IT infrastructure
Organizers: N. Halidi, M. Mertz, C. Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia
14:45 Coffee & tea break, sponsored by ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation Inc.
15:15 Session 4: (Global) Community Initiatives
16:15 get ready for the football match / have a break
16:30 Football match
17:30 end of CF session
18:00 Welcome – Start ELMI meeting
Including the ELMI CF Session 2021 feedback
including the Summary of the large Core Facility Survey launched during the Core Facility Session @ELMI in Brno, 2019. For more detailed information please check the anonymized results. The results of the ELMI CF Session 2019 feedback survey are also available.