About the ELMI

ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.

Latest news

in Jobs by sterjung

A study to assess reproducibility in quantitative image analysis

The Light Microscopy Research Group (LMRG) of the ABRF is launching a study to assess reproducibility in quantitative image analysis and needs YOUR help! We are seeking volunteers to segment 3D fluorescence microscope image sets and provide us with both their analysis and their analysis strategy.…

in Jobs by sterjung

ELMI meeting registration and abstract submission is open

Registration for ELMI 2021 is OPEN Please check the ELMI 2021 registration page for details and registration. Abstract Submission is OPEN Abstract Submission is open for The European Light Microscopy Initiative 2021 (elmi2021)! We are inviting abstracts for both oral and poster presentation, until…

in Jobs by sterjung

Microscopy specialist, CRG Barcelona, Spain

Microscopy Specialistin the Intracellular Self-Organization Group The InstituteThe Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an international biomedical research institute of excellence, based in Barcelona, Spain, with more than 400 scientists from 44 countries. The CRG shares principles of an…

in Jobs by sterjung

Advanced Imaging Specialist, Harvard Medical School, USA

The MicRoN core (Microscopy Resources on the North Quad) is a light microscopy core at Harvard Medical School that serves ~75 different groups throughout the Longwood Medical Area. The core currently hosts 14 instruments including widefield, TIRF, spinning disc confocal, scanning confocal,…

in Jobs by sterjung

Research Associate in Bio-Image Data Science, TU Dresden, Germany

The Cluster of Excellence “Physics of Life” (PoL) offers two positions in the Technology Development Group Bio-image Analysis, as Research Associate in Bio-Image Data Science(subject to personal qualification, employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L) starting as soon as…

in Jobs by sterjung

Full-time microscopy expert, IST Austria, Klosterneuburg

The BioImaging Facility at I.S.T. Austria, Klosterneuburg (AT) seeks a full-time microscopy expert. The online advertisement in pdf-format can be found here: ist.ac.at/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2021_03-Microscopy-Expert.pdf Responsibilities: Support of overall facility operation Assist in…