About the ELMI

ELMI was created in 2001 to establish a unique communication network between European scientists working in the field of light microscopy and the manufacturers of their equipment.

Latest news

in Courses and Workshops by sterjung

Microscopy/Imaging specialist, NorMIC Oslo, Norway

Department of Biosciences Microscopy/Imaging specialist at NorMIC Position as Head Engineer/ Microscopy/Imaging specialist available at NorMIC Oslo National Imaging Facility, a Eurobioimaging node candidate, Department of Biosciences. The position funded by the Norwegian Research Council and is for…

in Courses and Workshops by sterjung

Core Facility Satellite Meeting@ELMI 2016

Core Facility day As in the last years there will be a meeting for core facility staff before the ELMI meeting. The topics are selected by and for core facility staff, but the meeting is open to all who are interested in core facility related information. The Teaching users and staff committee…

in Courses and Workshops by sterjung

ELMI 2016 with Core Facility day, Debrecen, Hungary

The ELMI meeting in 2016 will be in Debrecen, Hungary. Registration is open now. For more information, please visit the local web site http://elmi2016.hu or contact the local organizers. Core Facility day As in the last years there will be a meeting for core facility staff before the ELMI meeting.…